Elizabeth Buzzelli | Works in Progress
Works in Progress
- DEAD FLOATING LOVERS, the second mystery in the Emily Kincaid series, will come out in July of 2009.
- DEAD SLEEPING SHAMANS, the third in the Emily Kincaid series, is still in the plotting stages.

A NEW AMERICAN FAMILY: Surviving Fear, Betrayal, and Terrorism. The true story of one American family�s change from the old America to the new.

Pasquale and Louise Buzzelli built the second-generation American�s dream life�a lovely wedding, new home in New Jersey, and finally a baby on the way. The morning everything changed dawned clear and sunny. Too perfect to go to work. Pasquale reluctantly kissed Louise good-bye and left for his job at the World Trade Center. He was a little late. Still, he got there in time, about nine a.m. As he entered the last elevator, on his way up to the 64th floor, he thought what a truly lucky man he was.